Through this blog, we aim to give you a view from the ground and insights from the field, especially on how conservation policies are making their way to local communities.
And if you simply want to know what's going on at ORC, just follow us here.

Here’s a sneak preview of some of the stories and topics we will feature in the coming months:
-Partnering with the local government: ORC’s experience with the BuB program
-The impact of scientific surveys and research on coastal communities
-Mainstreaming conservation in the barangays
-The long, arduous road to grassroots conservation
-Conservation and poverty alleviaiton
--Teaching conservation to young students
-Making conservation science relevant
So follow us, and better yet, share your experience with us and be our guest blogger! Email us at oceanactionresourcecenter@gmail.com.
About Ocean-action@ORC
September 9, 2016
Welcome to Ocean-action@ORC--the blog that gives voice to conservation realities in coastal communities in the Philippines.
Get connected to people in the front line of conservation and to those most affected by the impact we make on our environment. Read their stories here, and learn what life is like in coastal villages, especially in the province of Southern Leyte.

Follow us!