Community Development and Livelihood Augmentation
We help people help themselves and others.
ORC is for holistic conservation--one that aims to help people become self-reliant, educated stewards of nature and their resources. We do this not by dole-outs but by livelihood augmentation, non-monetary resource enhancement, and capacity building and trainings.
Seaweed farming for Livelihood Enhancement
In March 2014, ORC helped its people’s organization BALIKAT become seaweed entrepreneurs. They now maintain a hectare of monolines containing multiple seaweed varieties with a supplies and seedlings network coordinated by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR-8). Seaweed farming in the Philippines has proven to be one of the most commercially viable livelihood project that has a small environmental footprint.
Community-managed Savings and Credit Association
ORC conducts CoMSCA (Community Managed Savings and Credit Association), a program adopted from World Vision. It is a methodical system of savings and credit for small village groups that has proven to be effective at helping communities wisely manage their finances. Since early 2014, ORC has established two CoMSCA groups through BALIKAT. Their savings have been put to use for the BALIKAT's seaweeds farming program and for individual needs.

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Community Organizing and Development
Community development program includes capacity-building and training on organizational capacity, financial managment, leadership, psycho-social and spiritual formation, among many others. In 2010, ORC organized BALIKAT, a fisherfolk-farmer organization that has now become an independent partner in seaweed farming and microfinance. Later in 2014, ORC helped establish the Silago Federation of People's Organization, a municipal-wide association of people's organizations in Silago.

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