​What We Do
Educate and Equip.
Bridging the gap means making science accessible, relevant and meaningful for people to use and share. It also means working with people and not just for them, equipping them to be partners and not just beneficiaries in conservation and development.
We make ocean science fun and easy to learn.
ORC creates and offers teacher development activities, instructional resources for marine conservation, and outdoor education programs for both children and adults.
We bring science to people and empower them to use it.
ORC offers scientific and technical expertise in marine science, research and communication to provide information that is easy to understand and relevant to the various needs of local stakeholders and coastal resource managers.
We help people help themselves and others.
Conservation works best when people have decent livelihood. ORC helps people stand on their own feet by connecting them to each other and to resources. Thus, we support community organizing and livelihood enhancement like seaweed farming and small enterprises such as Community-Managed Savings and Credit Association (CoMSCA).